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National Night Out Event

Published: September 25, 2024

5:30 pm

WaterView HOA is inviting all WaterView residents to join us on Tuesday, October 1st from 5:30pm – 7:30pm in the parking lot of the Swim Park for our National Night Out Event.

Residents are asked to turn on their outside lights, lock their doors and join their neighbors for a fun and exciting evening. We will have a DJ, face painters, petting zoo, food and entertainment for all residents to enjoy. The Rowlett Police and Fire Department will also be on-site to showcase their equipment and vehicles plus answer any questions.

This is your community so please come and meet your neighbors and those who work hard to keep us safe and join us to make WaterView the best and safest community it can be!

We hope to see everyone there!

WaterView HOA

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